Declassified US Info On Japanese Plutonium Production
The initial declassification involved some redactions that are ... (See the translation of US intercepts of Japanese communications, ... contrary to the information that the United States was broadcasting, ... 1945, in its test of the plutonium bomb design later used on Nagasaki. ... producing Nuclear Weapons.. United States nuclear weapons were stored secretly at bases throughout Japan following ... Further information: Korean War U.S. threat of atomic warfare ... the Three Non-Nuclear Principles--"no production, no possession, and no introduction." ... A declassified 1956-57 Far East Command manual, Standing Operating.... A declassified U.S. National Security Council document shows a projection of plutonium supply and demand for Europe and Japan in 2000.. Since 1998 these five states (plus Belgium, Gennany, Japan and Switzerland) have ... it had produced, and in 1996 published a history of US plutonium production and ... 11 US Department of Energy, 'Declassification of the United States total.... Plutonium, a key element of nuclear weapons, has been an issue in U.S.-Japan relations for decades. ... The government of Japan wanted to develop a plutonium economy, but U.S. government officials worried about the consequences of building plants to reprocess reactor fuel.. The second declassification occurred when the plutonium bomb. * When an atomic bomb was dropped on Hiroshima, Japan, that event indicated that ... energy as directed toward the production of atomic bombs during WWII. ... A final reason for issuing the Smyth Report was to provide information to U.S... The United States in 1977 assessed that plutonium Japan produced for its ... on Wednesday, citing recently declassified diplomatic documents.. The Manhattan Project was the code name for the American-led effort to ... That same year, following the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor, President ... like Glenn Seaborg were producing microscopic samples of pure plutonium, ... U.S. Department of Energy: Office of Scientific and Technical Information.. Declassified Japanese diplomatic records show the United States believed ... produced from plutonium extracted from spent nuclear fuel at Japan's light ... The official did not want the information made public but reiterated that.... Plans to use plutonium in a mixed oxide (MOX) reactor fuel have come to naught. At present, therefore, Japan has no clearly defined use for the 48 tons of separated plutonium that it owns, some 11 tons of which are on Japanese territory. ... Many documents on Japan from the Smith files are awaiting declassification review.. As a result of each such information declassification action, potentially large ... This was followed at Hiroshima, Japan, on August 6, 1945, and Nagasaki, Japan, on August ... Ceramics without reference to uranium or plutonium production. ... The fact that the U.S. has a large-scale tritium production program.. reactor at Yongbyon, which began operating in 1986. ... reprocessing plant, and halted work on two much larger plutonium production reactors. ... Six-Party Talks, North Korea negotiated with the United States, South Korea, Japan, China, ... a November 2002 declassified U.S. Central Intelligence Agency assessment, North.... The National Security Archive obtained the documents from the U.S. ... Seoul claimed that the plutonium produced by a reprocessing plant South Korea ... our understanding of this important episode in the history of nuclear proliferation. ... As much as has been declassified on the nuclear negotiations with.... DECLASSIFIED. CLAS). ... is for the information and use of the recipient indicated on the front cover and of per- sons under his ... C. Effect on European Countries of the US Providing Nuclear. Weapons ... Estimated Output of Plutonium from Assumed Reactor. Programs ... are Communist China and Israel Japan is unlikely.... Asia in Japan's Embrace: Building a Regional Production Alliance. Cambridge: ... "Declassified U.S. documents call Japanese plutonium dangerous," p. 18, JT.... (Adapted from Deadly Arsenals) In a nuclear reactor, uranium fuel ... information about reprocessing was declassified by the United States and ... the use of plutonium for civilian purposes are France, Japan, and Russia, which.... now-declassified ... Based on the earlier U.S. estimates of plutonium production in magnox reactors, the ... Information about this plant is largely declassified. ... Post reported on April 2, 1994, that the North got stainless steel tanks from Japan.. It is meant toconvey the amount and types of information declassified over the years. ... and Nagasaki, Japan, on August 9, 1945; detonations which heraldedthe end of World ... among representativesof the United States, the United Kingdom, and Canada to ... Ceramics without reference to uranium or plutonium production.. ABSTRACTThis article analyzes Japan's development of civilian nuclear ... by the Japanese government and the other sponsored by the US ... Since the story appeared, scholars and journalists have tried to illuminate all the facts of the ... plutonium production: nuclear reactors and spent fuel reprocessing.. ... 1987 (Information) - for: The Commissioners From: Victor Stello, Jr. Executive ... Advisability and rationale for giving Japan, a nonnuclear weapon state, the right to ... the U.S. to return plutonium produced in U.S. facilities that used Japanese ... Declassified on:-January 1, 1988 Japanese/ By Authority: Declassification of...
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